Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First Post

Hi everyone!!!

Before describing my “adventure” in Trinidad and Tobago, I would like to begin my comments on this blog. Friends, you have no Idea how anxious I am!!! The two last months were the most difficult in my life. My mind is in an incredible mad, it has been so many years since I had planned my exchange in a country which is a native English speaker. Being a dreamer has a price!!! I really would like to be grateful with all of you! But I need to mention some people that were really crucial to that dream become true. My students are part of this because they believed in my potential all the time, my family who gave me enough strength to keep improving my knowledge, specially my sister Cinthia who borrowed me the budget to make my traveling possible (laughing), and surely I want to say thanks to God, because everything just happen with His permission.

I had a dream, and I understand it is closer to become true. I can remember the first day when I wished to be a fluently English speaker, and believe me, it hasn’t been easy! Although I really love learning and teaching that language. If you have anything to achieve, any goal to reach, go for it! No matter how difficult it will be, make all the possibilities appear in your life. My journey has not finished yet, just few steps have been done. I am looking forward my Course in T&T where I will be able to improve more and more…

Please, follow me on my bog, I would like to see your comments about my articles, keep in touch with me, foreign people are welcome.

Pierre Pessôa           


  1. Oi Amor, estou orgulhosa de vocẽ,Pois sei o quanto esse sonho foi sonhado e desejado.Estaremos torcendo por você!Um abraço Te Amamos!! Adelma e Rafael

  2. You are my inspiration. Thank you very much for be part of my life. Love you too!

  3. I miss you...
    Good travel and adventure for you..
