Monday, April 11, 2011

Connect with English

Most people might think that would be a minor decision or dream in my life. Because I will be out of home for just 2 months and it will not be a really great cultural shock. But to me, it sounds different. Have you ever watched “Connect With English”? A video instructional series in English as a second language for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 50 fifteen-minute video programs, produced by WGBH Boston with books from the McGraw-Hill Companies, in 1998. If you have an up intermediate English level you will be able to follow and understand that series. Through the story of Rebecca, an aspiring singer on a journey across America, “Connect With English” touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love, success, and loss. All of the characters use meaningful, natural language that students can put to work immediately in their own lives.  So it did in my life, and it connected with me!

I came from a poor family. I had food and hosting through my infancy and adolescence, but not more than it. My mother has been having mental problems for all her life, and for sure it made a delay in my graduation and particular life. To overcome that, I needed effort and it hasn’t being easy. But life has taught me that, no matter how big your problem is, you can solve it and follow all of your dreams.
I recommend this video, even though because you will improve your listen, but the message will bring significance in your life.

Pierre Pessôa


  1. Well done!!! Nice blog and a good start. I look forward to reading the updates, and i really hope you enjoy the experience.

  2. Thank you!!! I hope I will be able to update it as much as possible.
